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Free Plan Available! (And Other Pricing Updates)
Kate Banasik
Kate Banasik
November 4, 2021
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Free Plan Available! (And Other Pricing Updates)

We are glad to inform you that we have made some changes to our subscription plans as of November 2, 2021. The changes affect the package limits, prices and payment methods. We are introducing:

  • A free plan with basic limits on top of the 30-day free trial we will continue to offer for all our paid plans.
  • An option to purchase additional time-limited API upgrade packages on top of your pricing plan. That will help you get the flexibility you need in the peak periods without the need to temporarily upgrade the plan. (Coming soon)

Free plan is now available 

As we have mentioned, we are introducing a free plan. It is available for unlimited time. We will also continue to provide the 30-day free trial option for all paid plans as well. 

We wanted to enable start-ups to launch promotions like top enterprises do, free of charge, acting as a growth engine for them. We believe this is a great addition to our pricing plans, helping small businesses and start-ups launch their first personalized promotional, referral, or loyalty campaigns and improve customer acquisition and retention with minimum developer time investment. 

The free plan will also enable bigger enterprises to fully integrate and test Voucherify before committing to a paid plan version. 

The free plan has the following limits: 

  • All campaign types and features can be used (except for geofencing that is available only to the Enterprise plan clients). 
  • An unlimited number of campaigns. 
  • 100 API calls/hour.
  • 1000 API calls/month.
  • 1 project. 
  • 1 user. 
  • Slack community support
  • Shared infrastructure.
  • Self-service onboarding and user training with our on-demand webinars and other assets.

Plans and price changes 

Other subscription packages are changing as well. To simplify our pricing, we are going to follow the top SaaS players’ example by charging you for the actual data usage, so API calls. For more transparency, we ditched the differentiation between Redemptions, Messages, and API calls – all calls to our API will be counted as one category. We will continue to offer Start-up, Growth, Professional, and Enterprise plans that differ mainly by: 

  • API calls limit per hour and per minute (in case of the Enterprise plan). 
  • API calls/month limit. 
  • The number of projects. 
  • Uptime and response SLAs.
  • Onboarding and user training options. 
  • Support channels (now Premium and Extended Premium support for Enterprises).
  • Shared or dedicated infrastructure.
  • Security levels. 
  • Dashboard white-labeling option. 

We haven’t updated our pricing policies since 2017. With new functionalities and rising costs of the infrastructure for our growing customer base, we decided to update the limits and the prices of each package to reflect how Voucherify and its value as a growth driver changed.   

Voucherify pricing with new free plan

You can find a detailed comparison of our subscription plans and limits on our pricing page


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