Voucherify Newsroom

Voucherify updates, press coverage and brand assets - all in one place

For any media inquiries, please contact mike@voucherify.io


Updated information on the company and the product screenshots

Brand Assets

Logos, colors, and brand guidelines in one package

Media gallery

Media gallery with a sneak peek of everyday work at Voucherify

Voucherify awarded with the Digital Quality Mark

February 2, 2024
Read more @eizba

Voucherify lets businesses build smarter brand loyalty programs

 December 25, 2023
Read more @AWS

The role of accelerators in the MACH world

December 20, 2023
Read more @MACH Alliance

Zatrzymać klienta na dłużej

November 17, 2021
Read more @Forbes

Now Tech: Promotions And Offer Management Providers, Q3 2021

August 3, 2021
Read more @Forrester

What makes a successful partnership – lessons from Voucherify

March 28, 2018
Read more @Wingify on Growth

Voucherify Works With iCabbi

March 22, 2019
Read more @Path to Purchase IQ

Michał Sedzielewski Interview – Voucherify

June 3, 2020
Read more @Voy Media

Katowicki start-up z Fabryki Porcelany stworzył platformę do tworzenia kodów promocyjnych, która dziś ma miliony użytkowników

June 25, 2018
Read more @Dziennik Zachodni

How was the idea for our API-first SaaS platform born?

April 2, 2018
Read more @Indie Hackers

Drive Stronger Engagement With New Braze Alloys Loyalty And Promotion Partners Talon.One And Voucherify

December 20, 2019
Read more @Braze

10 Notable eCommerce APIs

April 28, 2019
Read more @ProgrammableWeb