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MailCharts – Inspiration Base for your Promotional Email Marketing
Kate Banasik
Kate Banasik
May 18, 2021
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MailCharts – Inspiration Base for your Promotional Email Marketing

Are you looking for inspiration for your new email campaign containing promotional codes, referral codes, gift cards or loyalty program notifications? Are you stuck on the headline? Are you trying to improve your promotional email open rates? Do you want to know how big, successful brands do their promotional email copy? Are you trying to increase your click-through rate? 

You can find all this and more on Mailcharts. We found Mailcharts when looking for inspiration for email campaigns containing Voucherify-generated discount coupons. 

It lets you search the email copy by brands, email types, or collections. You can also check customer journeys like emails sent, the time between them, or message content.

Mailcharts 1 – Overview of email campaigns

When you choose a specific brand, it shows you exactly which emails they have sent recently, how many messages on average they send per week, how many of them are promotional emails, and similar statistics, also on the industry level. It returns a couple of subject lines the brand has recently used as well. You can check what types of promotions the brand runs and how often. 

The emails can be seen as a whole, including all emojis and animations. You can even check their HTML code!

MailCharts 2 – specific brand emails list

If you search for a specific email type, this tool becomes even more convenient because it shows a compilation of emails sent by different brands for the same purpose. Here is an example of a cart abandonment email campaign run by multiple brands:

MailCharts 3 – cart abandoned email campaigns from multiple brands list

We believe it is an excellent resource if you need some inspiration for your new campaign copy or visuals for your next sales promotion! And if you need help with the latter, you can always visit our Promo Campaigns Library for some creative ideas fro your next promo campaign.


Wanna build an awesome promo campaign?

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