The Loyalty Lab: Crafting B2C Loyalty Programs That Drive Customer Retention
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Manage your SMS coupon campaigns

How Textlocal works?

Textlocal is a scalable bulk SMS platform for both big and small companies. The product runs on a versatile API that can be easily integrated with other services and apps. Textlocal offers vast customization capabilities, including enhancing your text messages with links, files, videos, and personalized vouchers. Besides intuitive design and a robust API, the platform also allows you to track what works and what doesn’t to guide your next marketing steps.

How to make the most of Voucherify and Textlocal?

By integrating Voucherify with Textlocal, you can send codes generated in Voucherify to your customers. With this integration, you can incentivize your SMS marketing like never before with re-engagement coupons, gift cards, and other personalized discounts triggered by custom events (e.g., customer sign-up). By providing your Textlocal account API keys, you allow Voucherify to use your data as a sender’s data. The process of creating promotions and designing your message lies on the side of Voucherify. 

Are you wasting time and money on digital promotions?

It’s time for a change.