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Best Marketing Integrations for Zapier and Voucherify
Julia Gaj
Julia Gaj
February 24, 2020
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Best Marketing Integrations for Zapier and Voucherify

Automatization is here to stay. Zapier platform expanded significantly in recent years allowing even small companies to take advantage of their built-in automation capabilities with the help of APIs

If you’re new to the idea of API and headless commerce, you can visit the post that our CMO, Michal Sedzielewski, wrote. 

For isolated apps, such as communication or CRM providers –  the motto ‘together we stand, divided we fall’ proves to be essential in planning marketing and sales funnels. 

That’s why Voucherify partnered up with Zapier to offer an endless number of possible app integrations that support the creation, distribution and personalization of various promotional campaigns, such as discount coupons, loyalty programs, referral programs, or in-cart promotions

In this article, we collected some of the most popular uses of Voucherify + Zapier integration.

Note: This article will not give you a step-by-step guide on how to connect Voucherify with other apps, visit our support page to learn more. 

What integrations we are going to describe:

  • Webhooks from Zapier and Voucherify – a must-have automation tool.
  • Notifications – Gmail/Slack with Voucherify.
  • ‘Sorry’ vouchers automation – Help Scout/Intercom with Voucherify.
  • Messaging automation – Mailchimp and Voucherify.
  • E-commerce integrations – Shopify and Voucherify.
  • CRM integrations – Salesforce and Voucherify.
  • Surveys automation – Google Forms and Voucherify.
  • Loyalty program automation with webhooks by Zapier

#1 Zapier Integration – The power of notifications

When running promo campaigns it’s important to stay in control. We get it that looking at the Voucherify Dashboard and refreshing the page to see new redemptions and their details may not be the most interesting thing to do. 

That’s why now you can connect Voucherify with selected Slack channel or Gmail inbox to receive up-to-date information about selected events such as failed or successful coupon redemption. All this is possible thanks to webhooks – swift delivery men that inform your apps about selected events in real-time. Webhooks are a great way to save developers’ time who do not have to write many lines of code to automate notifications from Voucherify – you can simply use webhooks to allow Voucherify to inform you directly about selected events. You don’t even have to ask – our platform will do it for you. 

Zapier notifications on Slack

Automation between communication channels and Voucherify helps you stay informed about any event you want to monitor. What’s best about it is how effortlessly easy it is. All you need to do is connect Webhooks by Zapier app with Voucherify and use Catch Hook as your trigger event. After connecting Webhooks with Voucherify you can decide what events should trigger the webhook and later on, create a second workflow that allows for instance Slack to catch the webhook and display the information right in your designated Slack channel. Go here to learn more about this particular workflow.

Webhooks in Voucherify – selecting events

#2 Zapier Integration – Automation of ‘sorry’ vouchers

Each business, no matter how big or small, will face angry or disappointed customers. There are simply too many things that can go wrong and trust me, at some point they will. So, what can you do about it? Offer some attractive compensation, of course!

There are several ways in which you can automate the send-out of ‘sorry’ discounts. Firstly, you may connect customer support apps such as HelpScout or Intercom with Voucherify. You may trigger the send-out of Voucherify coupons to given customers after they have been tagged in your customer support apps. 

Another workflow you can spin off with Voucherify is possible through the use of webhooks. You can ask Voucherify to send a webhook each time a redemption failed. Later, you can ask your email service provider, for instance MailChimp, to send a ‘sorry’ email to customers – reacting in real-time to any problems your customers may encounter with your promotions. 

Here is an example of a possible workflow:

Voucherfiy ane webhooks workflow for MailChimp

#3 Zapier integration – A remedy for abandoned carts

High abandoned cart rates are like a plague for many e-tailers. What can you do to protect yourself from it? Send an email or SMS with X% off coupon when a customer abandons their cart – it’s a smart way to recover revenue that would otherwise be lost.

How do you achieve it with Zapier and Voucherify? 

Use e-commerce apps such as Shopify to track new abandoned carts and use it as a trigger. Then (as Voucherify action) updates the customer with metadata assigned to their account (e.g. abandoned_cart). If the idea of metadata is new to you, visit our support article.

In short, metadata allows you to add additional pieces of data to various objects, e.g. customers, products or codes. These extra data bits can be used for more detailed customer segmentation based on custom attributes

The next step is to create a new codes distribution (using Voucherify or any 3rd party communication provider of your choice) for customers coming from Shopify with extra metadata cart_abandoned attached to their profiles. This way you can send automatic discount codes to customers who’ve just abandoned their carts to entice them to return and finalize the purchase.

Tracking abandoned carts in Shopify and using it as a trigger for Voucherify action

#4 Zapier integration – Increase repeat purchase rate

Another great solution for e-commerce offered by Voucherify & Zapier is sending incentives after customers made the first purchase. Automatic message send-out can be triggered in two ways:

  • Firstly, you can track events such as order paid in your ecommerce app and use Voucherify to create order, create a new customer or update customer information (if he/she already exists in your Voucherify database) and place these customers in a new customer segment based on metadata. Next, similarly to the cart abandoned workflow, you can trigger automatic message distribution with a personalized discount code thanking the customers for making the purchase and offering a discount with a short expiry date to tempt them to come back. This workflow is partly based on the foot-in-the-door marketing technique which assumes that customers after making the initial purchase will be much more likely to repeat the purchase if their initial experience was positive and voluntary.
  • Another way of achieving this effect is again via webhooks. Voucherify can inform you about customers who redeemed their codes so later on you can automatically send messages to customers who already used your promotions and inviting them to another incentive such as loyalty or referral program. 

Here is an example of a (shortened) webhook that can trigger the send-out of automatic ‘thank you’ messages:



       "object": "redemption",

      "result": "SUCCESS",

      "voucher": {

        "code": "2017-goX-aH",

        "gift": null,

        "type": "DISCOUNT_VOUCHER",

        "object": "voucher",

        "campaign": "SteffenTest",

        "discount": {

          "type": "AMOUNT",

          "amount_off": 2000



#5 Zapier integration – Data synchronisation

Another great use of Voucherify and Zapier joining forces is seamless data synchronisation between your CRM tools such as Salesforce or Intercom and your Voucherify database. Each time a new customer is added to your CRM account or a customer profile is updated, you can trigger Voucherify to add or update the customer profile, making sure that your CRM and Voucherify databases remain 1:1 accurate.

As in the previous example, you can achieve this effect directly by combining CRM app (trigger) with Voucherify (action) or via the use of webhooks triggered each time a customer is added or updated in Voucherify. 

CRM integration to keep customer data up to date

#6 Zapier integration – Surveys

Learning about customer preferences solely on the basis of their behaviour can sometimes lead you astray. Why not ask customers directly? You can use Google Forms or apps like Formlets to collect customers feedback on the quality of your services. But, expecting customers to devote a part of their day to help your business improve without offering anything in return can be a risky and unfair endeavour. That’s why Zapier allows you to connect your survey apps with Voucherify to reward customers for filling out the questionnaire. 

Again you can connect the apps directly or via webhooks. The suggested workflow could look as follows:

  • A customer fills in the survey and provides his/her full name and email address. Additionally, you can add metadata to each customer arriving from the questionnaire. 
  • New customer filling in the survey, triggers Voucherify to create or update a customer. The metadata used in the previous step will now help you segment customers properly
  • Having a proper customer segment, you can launch an automatic distribution of discount codes with a ‘thank you’ message. Now customers will receive vouchers right after filling in the survey. 

#7 Zapier integration – Loyalty program automation

Running a loyalty program can give even the best marketers a terrible headache. Managing loyalty cards, codes, points assignment, redemptions and rewards delivery is a pretty long list of tasks to supervise. Add to it the annoyed gaze of the development team and you’ve got a disaster on your hands. 

Voucherify offers you a possibility to create notifications for three events:

  • Sending the loyalty code to customer.
  • Informing customer about gained loyalty points.
  • Informing customers about reward redemption.

However, if you seek to use 3rd party providers not supported by Voucherify by default, you can use webhooks to inform a messaging app of your choice about events such as customer rewarded loyalty points or customer rewarded. These webhooks can later on trigger the message send-out in your messaging app – automating the loyalty workflow and lifting heavy burden off your shoulders. 


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