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Promo strategies
Coupon Reminders – Must-have for Your Marketing Strategy
Jagoda Dworniczak
Jagoda Dworniczak
October 3, 2022
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Coupon Reminders – Must-have for Your Marketing Strategy

This post is a great source of knowledge on coupon reminders.

You will learn:

  • What coupon reminders are and why you should use them in your marketing strategy.
  • Best practices for coupon reminders design.
  • More about testing coupon reminders.
  • Proposed workflow with examples of coupon reminders to get you started.

There is a lot to uncover here, so let's go.

Voucherify team is currently working on introducing brand-new coupon reminders functionality. You can follow this and more updates by visiting our Product Roadmap.

Why do you need coupon reminders?

There are plenty of reasons why your customers may not use their coupons right away. And it doesn’t have to mean a poor offer. Sometimes, your message can drown in tons of received emails, and many times, it's just the timing that fails. The truth is humans forget about many things and simply need to be reminded.

The cold reality is that not every email you send is opened. The average open rate is around 20% across all industries.  @Entrepreneur

Coupon reminders can increase the chance of your promotional emails standing out from the crowd. Unlike typical follow-up messages, those with coupons included carry tangible value for consumers. Everyone is more willing to open an email seeing the promise of a discount in the subject line. However, having an attractive incentive means you need to focus on timeliness.

Coupon reminders allow you to build a multi-stage coupon distribution to match the context. You can schedule coupon distribution according to data delivered by BI and CRM. For example, if your system notes an action by a new user, you can react by sending a coupon. If it stays unredeemed, the system automatically sends a personalized reminder. This means you can re-engage dormant users without wasting time and effort on sending emails or SMS messages manually.

Learn more: Examples of Re-engagement Campaigns.

How to create effective coupon reminders?

What exactly should coupon reminders look like? There is no ready recipe, but I can share some field-tested tips:

  • First of all, the message should be clear and concise. Less means more here. I also advise first name personalization – even if everyone knows it's automated, it still pays off.
  • Secondly, don’t overthink a subject line. A short sentence with “remember” or “Reminder” included is enough to catch a customer’s attention.
  • Finally, mention the exact value of the coupon, the expiration date, and add a call to action. That's it!

Now, you have nice, tailor-made reminders, you need to know how to schedule coupon distribution to make the most of each campaign. Let’s take coupons with a 20% discount and valid for 30 days as an example. We want to reward each new signed up user, and send an email with a coupon code.



Example of a coupon reminder journey

Firstly, it's a good idea to plan the reminders schema before you launch a campaign. Currently we are working on introducing a complex engine with reminders automation and marketing flexibility:

  • Automation provides scalability of the process.
  • Flexibility means you can change the schema for particular customer segments at any time.

Here is how you will be able to use this functionality when it's out:

  1. Set two predefined reminding messages. First will be sent one week after sign-up and the second 24h before the expiration date.
  2. Set three predefined reminders: two days after sign-up, two weeks after sign-up, and 24h before the expiration date.

It’s worth testing more than one schema and verifying which works better for your campaigns.

But it’s not over. I already mentioned all the ingredients, but I want to show you how it works when they’re combined. With our 20% off campaign and a distribution plan, I will present a coupon delivery from the very beginning. Let’s start from the first sign-up email:

Coupon reminder – email message after sign-up example

The first promo reminder sent 2 days after signing up:

Coupon reminder – 2 days after welcome email

The clock is ticking. Here is the second reminder sent two weeks after the first promotional message:

Promotion reminder – two weeks after sign-up

Finally, the third reminder sent 24h before the promo code expiration date:

Coupon reminder – 23 hours before expiration

How to track coupon reminders?

Now you know how the predefined coupon reminder schema could work in your use case. Meanwhile, you should keep a close eye on the customer behavior. If a user uses the coupon, it’s good to have a coupon system in place that will automatically stop sending reminders. You can be sure customers won’t be spammed and reminders are delivered only when needed.

Of course, different coupon campaigns need different strategies. As each business and promotion is unique, coupon distribution out has to fit in. But there are two things to keep in mind above all else:

  • The main goal of promotion reminders is to be more persuasive, not intrusive. Don’t overuse them, 1-3 reminders per month are more than enough.
  • Secondly, the key is timing. On the one hand, exposed expiration dates create a sense of urgency and cut hesitation, on the other hand, CRM and BI tools allow you to capture a perfect moment for a coupon reminder.

Coupon software like Voucherify provides coupon automation and responds to customer activity in no time. Thanks to that, you can build genuinely personalized and efficient coupon campaigns.

Learn more: How to monitor coupon ROI?


Increase your coupon campaign ROI with Voucherify.

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