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The Complete Guide to Discount Coupons

  • How to propel your business growth with discount coupons?
  • What limits to use and how to build an effective coupon journey?
  • Learn the best practices of all successful coupon campaigns.
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Setup Guide: How to Send Promo Codes with Klaviyo?
Karolina Kmita
Karolina Kmita
September 13, 2023
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Setup Guide: How to Send Promo Codes with Klaviyo?

Once a brand experiences rapid growth, maintaining personalized communication that goes beyond "Hi {first_name}" becomes an exceedingly challenging task unless appropriate tools are in place.This is where the right choice of coupon management software and marketing automation tool comes into play.

In this blog post, I will show you how you can leverage Voucherify and Klaviyo integration, building the winning formula for creating and distributing promo codes and other incentives to the right customers at the right time.

What is Klaviyo and how does it work?  

Klaviyo is a marketing automation and customer data platform, empowering brands to offer a more individualized customer experience.

Workflows offered by Klaviyo

With Klaviyo’s automated features such as encouraging repeat purchases, sending purchase reminders and order updates, you have the capability to construct multi-channel customer experiences, streamlining marketing automation with prebuilt workflows such as welcome series, abandoned cart recovery and customer loyalty. But sending plain messages will fall flat if there is no tangible value behind them. This is why you need a robust couponing tool on top of Klaviyo automation.

Customizable email templates provided by Klaviyo

Why connect Voucherify with Klaviyo?

Contextual messaging is just one piece of the puzzle when it comes to running effective coupon and discount campaigns.

Although Klaviyo offers a range of features to boost customer engagement, it has significant limitations when it comes to coupon management, such as:

  1. The inability to store important coupon details (metadata) such as its value, expiration date, and usage restrictions.
  2. Klaviyo supports only three coupon discount types: fixed amount, percentage and free shipping.
  3. No coupon redemption tracking nor advanced coupon customization tools.
  4. No validation rules to build coupon eligibility conditions.
  5. By default, your options for segment building are restricted to a basic set of customer properties, including city, country, email address, first active. Klaviyo does not offer support for advanced customer metadata features, such as payment method or geolocation.

Don’t get me wrong – Klaviyo is a fantastic tool for engagement and managing customer data, but it can’t excel in everything. This is why you need an external coupon engine to ensure that your offers are targeted and fraud-proof.  

This is where Voucherify steps in, offering comprehensive coupon management options.

Voucherify validation rules builder in coupon campaigns

Voucherify offers plenty of options to enhance Klaviyo in running effective coupon campaigns, including:

  1. Coupon management

Voucherify excels in managing coupon details, allowing for precise control over such things as coupon value, expiration dates , and usage restrictions.

  1. Flexible discount options

Voucherify offers a variety of coupon discount types, such as amount, percentage, fixed amount, unit, and free shipping, facilitating coupon promotions that cater to specific business requirements. Even dynamic discounts are possible, where the final discount value changes based on the shopping context.

  1. Advanced tracking capabilities

Voucherify provides advanced promo code tracking tools that offer insights into coupon validations and customer redemptions, to keep your team on top of what’s happening in the campaign.

  1. Business-specific personalization

Voucherify supports advanced metadata based on, for example, geo-location, booking type  or payment method,  allowing for more precise targeting and segmentation.

  1. Coupon anti-fraud measures

Voucherify can help you battle coupon misuse by, for example, giving you the ability to put a cap on a number of coupon redemptions, create hard-to-crack code patterns, and much more.

{{The Complete Guide to Discount Coupons}}

How to use Voucherify and Klaviyo?

Voucherify allows you to distribute Voucherify codes through Klaviyo. By connecting your Voucherify account with Klaviyo, you can:

  • Share various codes, including promo codes, referral codes, loyalty card codes, and gift cards.
  • Distribute campaign details such as release dates, QR codes, or links to customer dashboards.
  • Store and update custom attributes within Klaviyo.
  • Create and edit customer profiles within Klaviyo.

In order to distribute and assign promo codes using Voucherify and Klaviyo integration, you have to follow these steps:

1. Set up the integration

Connect Voucherify and Klaviyo to start by sharing API credentials. Create a Voucherify distribution that assigns unique codes to Klaviyo user profiles based on Custom Properties.

2. Configure the distribution

Define the trigger, provide a name, and choose to send codes from Voucherify. Select the source of codes from a campaign.

Klaviyo distribution set up in the Voucherify dashboard

3. Assign promo codes

Once the distribution is active, Voucherify will automatically assign codes to Custom properties in Klaviyo user profiles.

Klaviyo customer profile built with Voucherify integration

4. Personalize your messaging

Utilize Klaviyo's personalization features to include Voucherify coupon codes dynamically in Klaviyo messages.

Personalized coupon sent via Voucherify and Klaviyo integration

The Voucherify-generated promo code is saved as a Custom property in Klaviyo user profiles. It is also automatically assigned to the customer, and can be viewed in the Wallet tab in Voucherify.

Voucherify's customer wallet with a coupon distributed via Klaviyo

Learn more: Explore how to connect Klaviyo with Voucherify

How did Munhowen combine Voucherify and Klaviyo for personalized coupon campaigns?

Munhowen, a key player in the Brasserie Nationale Group, decided to step into the market for selling beverages directly to consumers (B2C) and introduced Drinx, an online store that sells a wide variety of drinks from nearly 1000 different brands.

Key challenges:

  • Finding an easy to integrate couponing tool.
  • Building advanced coupon campaigns targeted at loyalty program members.
  • Building a complete marketing automation with Klaviyo, Voucherify and WooCommerce.

In less than half a year, Munhowen were able to integrate two marketing tools, Klaviyo and Voucherify, with their WooCommerce platform, using a custom setup and webhooks.

Munhowen coupon campaign example with Klaviyo and Voucherify

With the Klaviyo and Voucherify combined, Munhowen can run all sorts of personalized marketing campaigns based on specific customer segments. These campaigns target, for example, abandoned shopping carts or customers celebrating their birthday.


  • Swift Integration: Voucherify integrated with WooCommerce, Klaviyo, and a POS system in under 2 months.
  • Loyalty member growth: Teaming up with Voucherify led to the successful onboarding of 8,000 new loyalty members.
  • Spending increase: Program members spend an impressive 70% more than regular customers.


Now, you might be wondering “What’s their secret to success?” The answer is pretty simple: they know how to fine-tune their campaigns based on customer behavior and preferences. Utilizing Voucherify and Klaviyo capabilities, Munhowen delivers coupons that hit the marks straight to your customers' email inboxes.


Through the integration of Voucherify and Klaviyo, companies such as Munhowen have the capability to craft personalized coupon campaigns that deeply connect with their target demographic, encouraging them to repeat purchases.

With a straightforward integration process, you can take your coupon campaign game to the next level, while staying ahead of your e-commerce competitors. So, if you want to make your coupons stand out, think about putting Voucherify and Klaviyo together to get the best of both worlds.


Integrate Voucherify with Klaviyo


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