The Loyalty Lab: Crafting B2C Loyalty Programs That Drive Customer Retention
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Treasure Hunt with Discount Coupons
Treasure Hunt with Discount Coupons

Hide discounts in your physical store or on your website and let customers look for them.


Organize a treasure hunt on your website for a special occasion, for example, Christmas. Hide presents in different places and let customers discover them (you can make themed, small pop-ups all over the website that show the “treasures”). Hide various types of discounts, from free shipping, percentage and dollar discounts, free products, BOGO, or gift cards. Make the hunt fun by adding various types of treasures with limitations on them, for example, only the first 10 customers can use the 20% discount, the first 20 the 10% discount, the first 50 the 5% discount, etc.

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Treasure Hunt with Discount Coupons

Treasure Hunt with Discount Coupons

Hide discounts in your physical store or on your website and let customers look for them.


Organize a treasure hunt on your website for a special occasion, for example, Christmas. Hide presents in different places and let customers discover them (you can make themed, small pop-ups all over the website that show the “treasures”). Hide various types of discounts, from free shipping, percentage and dollar discounts, free products, BOGO, or gift cards. Make the hunt fun by adding various types of treasures with limitations on them, for example, only the first 10 customers can use the 20% discount, the first 20 the 10% discount, the first 50 the 5% discount, etc.

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Treasure Hunt with Discount Coupons

Hide discounts in your physical store or on your website and let customers look for them.

Main Benefits

A treasure hunt is a creative way to engage your customers and make them want to be in your store or e-commerce website. They will get to browse your products and offers while hunting for discounts. If your customers find discounts, they will most likely purchase something from your store, because they earned the discount and they will not want to lose it (loss aversion effect). 

It is a fun and original idea so you may get some free press thanks to organizing such a campaign.

You can create various campaigns (gift cards, unique or standalone discount coupons) and place the gift card and voucher codes on the website or print out the QR codes. All the limits on coupon validity and a number of times they can be used can be done in the Voucherify dashboard so you do not need to worry about crossing the promotion limits. You can track the coupon redemptions from the dashboard and remove inactive coupons from your website manually. Do not worry, if someone uses a coupon that has been used already and cannot be redeemed any more, they will see an error message and they will not be able to do so. 

Program rules

Best Practices

  • Once the limits expire (you can track the coupons on your dashboard), remove the pop-ups not to disappoint those who find it but can’t use it. 
  • Leave the lowest level discounts unlimited to attract customers until the last day.
  • Make sure the discounts can be used once per customer and that the customer can use only one type of discount (if you want to put such limits). You can also set up a rule that the discounts cannot be combined in one order. 
  • You can add additional rules, for example, minimum order value, to be able to use the discount. 
  • It is possible to organize such a treasure hunt offline, in a venue or a brick-and-mortar store by printing QR codes on product packages or simply on paper and hiding them in various places. Then it is smart to print out only the number that actually can be used (for example, if just one $100 gift card is available, print it just once and limit the use to once in a campaign).

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