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Generic Coupon Code
Generic Coupon Code

Launch a standalone, fixed, public discount code.


Launch a $10 off Christmas discount coupon called XMAS that gives each customer a $10 off discount for orders above $50. The coupon is valid only during December, available once per customer.

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Generic Coupon Code

Generic Coupon Code

Launch a standalone, fixed, public discount code.


Launch a $10 off Christmas discount coupon called XMAS that gives each customer a $10 off discount for orders above $50. The coupon is valid only during December, available once per customer.

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Generic Coupon Code

Launch a standalone, fixed, public discount code.

Main Benefits

This is a very straightforward type of promotion – all customers have to use the same discount code to get a discount. It is very popular for special days or occasions, for example, Christmas, Easter, Black Friday, or Mother’s Day.

The distribution of such a discount code is easier than unique discount codes as you can just make it public and post it on your website, social media, in the press, in media, etc.

Program rules

Best Practices

  • Name the standalone coupon in line with your branding or the special occasion you are celebrating. 
  • Make sure you apply some limits to your campaign, for example, the total discounted value, the promotion timeframe, limits of use per customer, excluded products, or minimum order value.

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