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Incentivized Profile Completion
Incentivized Profile Completion

Offer a thank you discount coupon for filling out profile information.


If a customer fills out their profile with personal information, product preferences, family situation, etc. offer them a thank you discount coupon of 15% off their next purchase for their preferred categories.

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Incentivized Profile Completion

Incentivized Profile Completion

Offer a thank you discount coupon for filling out profile information.


If a customer fills out their profile with personal information, product preferences, family situation, etc. offer them a thank you discount coupon of 15% off their next purchase for their preferred categories.

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Incentivized Profile Completion

Offer a thank you discount coupon for filling out profile information.

Main Benefits

You can incentivize profile fill-out which will help you deliver personalized content and promotions in the future, making your marketing efforts more targeted and, therefore, efficient. As you offer a personalized promotion straight away, you show your customers why their data is important and how sharing it with you can benefit them. 

Program rules

Best Practices

  • You can offer a discount coupon, gift card or any other incentive of your choice. 
  • Inform customers about the incentive waiting for them before they fill out their profile to motivate them to do so (do not keep the incentive as a surprise). 
  • Offer a personalized incentive to immediately show them the power of the data they have provided to you. 
  • You can make your customer account creation form shorter and get a higher conversion rate thanks to asking more detailed questions only later on, not at the initial sign-up. 
  • Ask for the information you really would use to personalize your communications and promotions. Do not ask unnecessary questions, not to make the form overly long.

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